This section includes information about starting a business, addressing issues with employers, and job opportunities.
Small Business Development Center
(507) 459-3060
1250 Homer Rd, Winona, MN 55987
*Free services for individuals interested in starting or expanding a business, including information on regulatory requirements, assistance with creating a business plan, financial analysis, assistance with preparing loan applications and more.
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
(651) 284-5050
2118 Campus Dr SE, Ste 100, Rochester, MN 55904
*Protecting the rights, safety and health of workers by educating employers and employees about their rights and responsibilities. Information about laws related to hours, wage theft, workers compensation and other issues. Materials in Hmong & Spanish are available online at: https://www.dli.mn.gov/about-department/about-dli/translated-materials
CareerForce Winona
(507) 205-6060
1250 Homer Rd, Ste 200, Winona, MN 55987
*One-on-one guidance, training, networking, labor market information and much more.
Project FINE Employment Services
(507) 452-4100
202 W 3rd St, Winona, MN 55987
*Connecting refugees and immigrants with employment and training opportunities. One-on-one assistant with job search, resume creation, applications, educational information. Services are offered in English, Hmong and Spanish.
Small Business Development Center
(507) 459-3060
1250 Homer Rd, Winona, MN 55987
*Free services for individuals interested in starting or expanding a business, including information on regulatory requirements, assistance with creating a business plan, financial analysis, assistance with preparing loan applications and more.
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
(651) 284-5050
2118 Campus Dr SE, Ste 100, Rochester, MN 55904
*Protecting the rights, safety and health of workers by educating employers and employees about their rights and responsibilities. Information about laws related to hours, wage theft, workers compensation and other issues. Materials in Hmong & Spanish are available online at: https://www.dli.mn.gov/about-department/about-dli/translated-materials
CareerForce Winona
(507) 205-6060
1250 Homer Rd, Ste 200, Winona, MN 55987
*One-on-one guidance, training, networking, labor market information and much more.
Project FINE Employment Services
(507) 452-4100
202 W 3rd St, Winona, MN 55987
*Connecting refugees and immigrants with employment and training opportunities. One-on-one assistant with job search, resume creation, applications, educational information. Services are offered in English, Hmong and Spanish.