Navigating Community Systems
Navigating Community Systems programs and services are designed to help provide educational resources to refugees and immigrants and ease their adjustment to the United States. Through Project FINE, newcomers can gain connections to community resources and education on social and structural systems to help them begin building their new life.
Current Navigating Community Systems Offerings Include:
Current Navigating Community Systems Offerings Include:
Advocacy & Information Referrals
To assist newcomers as they seek to become self-sufficient and contributing members of the community, Project FINE connects families to social and government services and helps them in their interactions with schools, healthcare, law enforcement, housing and food assistance providers.
Employment Services
The purpose of the Employment Services program is to help refugees and immigrants of our community reach their financial goals and find economic independence through employment. This program is designed to provide language friendly, efficient and effective services to refugees who are seeking employment. Project FINE offers assistance in a variety of areas, including: identifying job skills or experience, accessing opportunities for training or education, information about job openings, and interview skills
Early Learning Program
The Early Learning Program provides resources, education and support for refugee and immigrant families with young children age 0-5. Activities focus on cognitive and social learning, mental health and parental engagement and are carried out through home visits.
This program is supported by the Sheltering Arms Foundation.
This program is supported by the Sheltering Arms Foundation.
Crime Prevention Program
The goal of the Crime Prevention Program is to provide information and education related to laws and the criminal justice system for refugees and immigrants in Winona County. Activities include educational presentations on the health and legal risks of alcohol and drugs; healthy relationships and domestic violence; and on mental health.
This program is funded by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety.
This program is funded by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety.
Follow Along Program Community Connectors
Through this project, refugee and immigrant families with young children will have increased connections and access to local resources, such as the Follow Along Program. Activities include outreach to families in Winona and Wabasha Counties via home visits, phone calls, social media and events. Project staff will also work closely with MDH to provide insight into the needs, challenges and strategies for engagement to increase enrollment and effectiveness among refugee and immigrant populations.
This project is funded by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Health.
This project is funded by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Health.
Microbusiness Support
This project provides support, education and access to resources for refugees and immigrants in Winona County who are interested in starting a business or expanding an already existing business. Activities include educational sessions and individualized assistance.
This project is funded by a grant from the Winona Community Foundation.
This project is funded by a grant from the Winona Community Foundation.